Minimising our footprint
We’re adopting environmentally-friendly practices across our business. Switching to sustainable materials, reviewing our packaging and encouraging the reuse of products are just a few of the ways we’re reducing waste.
Read our Environmental PolicyReducing emissions
Fuel efficiency is crucial to preventing pollution, which is why our vehicles adhere to the latest exhaust emissions standards. As a leader in diesel engine production, we aim to not only meet but exceed emissions requirements in Australia.
Read our Emission StatementEmbracing accountability
We don’t just hold ourselves to our legal environmental obligations, but also our obligations agreed with suppliers and customers. We educate our staff, Dealer Network and suppliers about sustainable activities, and work together to improve our operations.
Meeting our goals
We’ve set environmental objectives and policy guidelines to ensure we do our part. Our task force aids in implementing tactics and measuring success to help us continually find ways to do better.
Diversity and inclusion
We stand for diversity and inclusion throughout our organisation and the broader transport industry, with a goal to continue to improve diversity and fair gender representation across our corporate and social sphere.
Learn MoreOur whistleblower protection policy
We recognise the value of fostering a culture of corporate compliance. We’re committed to developing honest and ethical decision-making, engaging in good corporate governance and protecting eligible whistleblowers from victimisation.
Read Our Whistleblower Protection PolicyGender Equality
Isuzu Australia (IAL) has a strong commitment to inclusions and equality in the workplace. IAL recognises its talented and diverse workforce as a key competitive advantage. Our business success reflects the quality and skill of our people. IAL is committed to seeking out and retaining the best employees to ensure business growth and future performance.
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